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Towards Greater Corporate Governance and Accountability

Professor Wong will be discussing how the institutional environment such as government ownership, legal and market developments shape corporate governance and transparency of Chinese domestically listed firms. His research shows that adopting western rules and standards alone do not improve corporate governance and accounting quality. More fundamental changes such as building market infrastructure and levelling the playing field between government-owned and privately-owned firms are necessary. In evaluating a Chinese company, investors should not simply use governance and accounting indicators that are known in western markets. Special attention should be given to the firm's ownership type, corporate structure and the business and political environment where the firm is operating. A panel discussion involving industry veterans who have rich experience working with Chinese firms follows right after Professor Wong's presentation. The panel will discuss issues on the reliability of financial data available when making investments in China along with what companies and investors should look out for when investing in China's growth markets.

Speaker: Dr T J WONG
Chair Professor of Accountancy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
5.00 pm - 7.00 pm
Venue: Singapore Management University Conference Hall 1 Administration Building Level 5 81 Victoria Street Singapore 188065
Contact: Office of the Dean