Maximum Flexibility
With up to a maximum of 5 exemptions (‘A’ levels, IB Diploma and NUS High School) or up to 11 exemptions or 1 year (relevant Diplomas from local polytechnics), students have the freedom to decide to finish their degree in 3, 3.5 or 4 years.
With this freedom to plan their education, students can better maximise their learning journey here and graduate with much more than an accountancy degree. They can decide to expand their fields of expertise by doing double degrees and second majors. Local or overseas practical experience can be explored through internships, student leadership, community service or exchange programmes.
Students (with maximum number of exemptions) will be able to graduate in 3 years if they choose not to pursue any of the academic options such as second major, double degree, exchange programme or multiple internships. However, the majority of our graduates prefer to broaden their personal development and take on the various academic options available.
Students looking to further their postgraduate studies in top schools overseas, may find that taking four years to finish their BAcc degree in SoA opens more doors for them. For instance, certain top US schools (e.g. HAAS School of Business, Berkeley and Yale School of Management) require international applicants to have at least of four years of tertiary education to qualify for a number of their postgraduate programmes.