Admission Requirements

  • At least a bachelor degree.
  • At least 10 years’ working experience, with preference for candidates with at least 6 years of working experience and above in management or senior management capacity.
  • An essay in English on the candidate’s motivation to pursue the DBA (Accounting and Finance) programme.
  • An essay to share a topic or problem that resonates strongly with you either professionally or personally, and could form the basis for your doctoral dissertation
  • Admissions interview


  • 最低获得学士学位。
  • 至少10年的工作经验,优先考虑具有6年及以上管理或高级管理工作经验的候选人。
  • 陈述申请在DBA(财务与金融)项目学习的动机。
  • 分享并陈述在专业领域或与您个人引起强烈共鸣,并可能构成您博士学位论文基础的话题或问题
  • 通过入学面试

Submission of the following documents:

  • Copy of Applicant’s identity card/passport;
  • Copy of Applicant’s highest/most recent degree scroll or transcript;
  • Updated CV/Resume
  • Two Personal Statements
  • Two Referees Letters


  • 申请人的身份证/护照复印件;
  • 申请人最高/最近学位证书或成绩单的复印件;
  • 最新的个人简历
  • 两份个人陈述
  • 两封推荐信

Programme Fees

The Programme Fees is SGD$160,000 (before any government tax)

