Past Symposia

Monday 11 and Tuesday 12 December 2023

Accountancy: Its Place in Creating a Sustainable World

This year’s SMU School of Accountancy Research (SOAR) Accounting Symposium was held on 11 and 12 December 2023, and saw 140 research papers submitted – continuing the upward trend for the annual accountancy-research event.

Each submitted paper was curated by the Organizing Committee of SMU-SOAR Accounting Symposium to ensure quality, as well as diversity in topics and region of authors.

Of the seven, three were related to sustainability – a reflection of the urgency of the climate crisis, as well as the important role that accountancy plays in sustainability, one of the core issues that SMU continues to emphasize.

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Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 December 2022

Deep Diving into Accounting’s Effects in Investment and Sustainability

A platform for researchers from SMU SoA and top global institutions of higher education, the annual flagship symposium attracts submissions from leading accounting scholars around the world. The 2022 iteration of the event covered topics ranging from reporting relating to environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, and research through a financial reporting lens, to analysing investor sentiment employing a method using natural language processing and machine learning. 

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Thursday 16 and Friday 17 December 2021

Exploring Social Connections and Governance Transparency at the 2021 School of Accountancy Research (SOAR) Centre Annual Symposium

The SMU-SOAR Accounting 2020 Symposium was held from 15 to 16 December 2020, and conducted in hybrid format as both an online and onsite event. This year's Symposium featured innovative ideas shared by researchers from the School of Accountancy and top schools around the world, including the impact of flu-like illnesses on companies’ financial reporting, and the impact of greater public information on the market liquidity of information-insensitive securities.

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Tuesday 15 and Wednesday 16 December 2020

Exploring innovation at the School of Accountancy Research (SOAR) Centre Annual Symposium

The SMU-SOAR Accounting 2020 Symposium was held from 15 to 16 December 2020, and conducted in hybrid format as both an online and onsite event. This year's Symposium featured innovative ideas shared by researchers from the School of Accountancy and top schools around the world, including the impact of flu-like illnesses on companies’ financial reporting, and the impact of greater public information on the market liquidity of information-insensitive securities.

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The 2019 Symposium was superseded by the Review of Accounting Studies (RAST) 2019 Conference. Read More >>

Wednesday 12 and Thursday 13 December 2018

From algorithms to analysts

Algorithmic trading, information acquisition and analyst work-life balance were just a few of the diverse topics discussed at the SMU School of Accounting Research 2018 Symposium.

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Wednesday 12 and Thursday 13 December 2018

Need information? Just ask the auditors

With their extensive knowledge of firms’ inner workings, auditors can act as a conduit for the dissemination of tax savings strategies between companies, says SMU Associate Professor Lim Chee Yeow.

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Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 December 2017

The High Returns Of Reconciling Theory And Data

Measures of profitability should ideally be both rooted in theory and backed by empirical data, said Professor John Core, keynote speaker at the SMU SOAR Accounting 2017 Symposium.

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Thursday 15 and Friday 16 December 2016

Left: Assistant Professor Mark Maffett from University of Chicago presenting his paper "Proactive Financial Reporting Enforcement and Firm Value” at the SMU SOAR Accounting Research Symposium 2016.

Thursday 10 and Friday 11 December 2015

Left: SMU Assistant Professor Yanju Liu presenting her paper "Corporate In-house Human Capital Investment in Tax Planning” at the SMU SOAR Accounting Research Symposium 2015.

Thursday 11 and Friday 12 December 2014

Left: Professor Shivaram Rajgopal from Emory University delivering his keynote speech at the SMU SOAR Accounting Research Symposium 2014.