Student Clubs
The Accounting Society (ASoc) was founded by students who envisioned transforming SoA into a more vibrant and cohesive community. ASoc serves as a common platform for SoA students to network and bond, as well as a channel for feedback and improvement on matters related to student life and the school. ASoc has grown from strength to strength since. Today, many of the activities at SoA are inextricably tied to ASoc such as Axplore, ASoc Camp, ASoc Night, Seniors' Night, Project Moolah, and the list goes on…
Click here to find out more.
SoA Outreach, previously known as the SoA Volunteers’ Corps, comprises of a core pool of exemplary SoA students who supports the school in reaching out to prospective students and various external stakeholders. The club aims to establish an inclusive community that builds on the personal development of SoA students as well as connecting with former juniors from our students’ alma mater through various outreach programmes.
Click here to find out more.
Since our inception in 2005, we have been officially rebranded as SMU Financial Advisory and Compliance Team (SMU FACT) in 2017. SMU FACT seeks to provide the SMU Dean of Students with an avenue to monitor the compliance of SMU Student Bodies with the adopted financial and operational guidelines. Through this, we also aim to advise and provide recommendations on potential ways to improve the current standards of the financial and operational management of Student Bodies, in line with the Mission and Vision of SMU and the SMU Student Association.
Click here to find out more.
Tax Society@SMU was founded in August 2011 with the vision of becoming the hub of professional growth and learning for a vibrant student tax community within SMU. It aims to add value to society-at-large through the provision of tax-related services, while also providing interested students with avenues for professional development; opportunities for practical application of knowledge; and a vibrant environment with peer support and interaction.
Click here to find out more.
Founded in 2012, SMU Emerging Markets (SEM) is a student initiative that aims to be an interactive business collaboration centre for research on emerging markets. As the school's premier knowledge hub on emerging economies, it seeks to foster the exchange of information and ideas about doing business in regions such as Africa and India as well as provide contact with the emerging market industry.
Click here to visit the SEM site.

A Vibrant Student Life
Hear from Professor Seow Poh Sun and the student leaders from the SoA clubs as they tell you why a vibrant student life can impart vital skills such as leadership capabilities, team work, confidence and many more. Most important of all... it's fun!