Seminar Series

If you are interested in presenting your accounting research papers at a future seminar, please contact

Dr Samuel Tan ( or;
Dr Jungbae Kim (

Human Capital, Pension Information, and Firm Valuation
Ms Yan LI
PhD Candidate, University of Alberta

CEO Reputation: Who Benefits - the Firm or the CEO?
Mr Sam LEE
PhD Candidate, The University of Southern California at Los Angeles

The Effect of SFAS No.142 on Predicting Future Cash Flows
Mr Cheol LEE
PhD Candidate, The State University of New York at Buffalo

Are financial analysts more independent after the implementation of NASD Rule 2711?
Dr Chih-Ying CHEN
Assistant Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

The Effect of Shareholder Rights and Insider Ownership on Earnings Management
Dr Jian Zhou
Assistant Professor, Binghamton University

The Effects of Decision Aid Structural Restrictiveness on Decision-Making Outcomes
Dr SEOW Poh Sun
Lecturer, The University of Melbourne