Seminar Series

If you are interested in presenting your accounting research papers at a future seminar, please contact

Dr Samuel Tan ( or;
Dr Jungbae Kim (

Do Proprietary Costs Deter Insider Trading?
Ms Lyungmae Choi, Arizona State University
PhD Candidate

Boards of a Feather: Foreign Directors around the World
Dr John Barrios
Assistant Professor, University of Chicago

The Impact of Quarter Length on Analyst Forecast Accuracy and Firm’s Voluntary Disclosures
Dr Stephen Hillegeist
Associate Professor, Arizona State University

Clarity Begins at Home: Internal Information Asymmetry and External Communication Quality
Dr Xiumin Martin
Associate Professor, Washington University in Saint Louis

Investor Information Acquisition and Expected Fundamentals
Dr Michael S Drake
Associate Professor of Accounting & PwC Fellow, Brigham Young University

Institutional Cross-holdings and Generic Entry in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Dr Xie Jin
Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Marginal Coefficient: A New Approach for Identifying Observation Level Sensitivities
Dr Michael D Kimbrough
Associate Professor & Cohn-Reznick Fellow, University of Maryland

The Economic Effects of Mandating Expanded Compensation Disclosures
Dr Brandon Gipper
Assistant Professor, Stanford University