Seminar Series

If you are interested in presenting your accounting research papers at a future seminar, please contact

Dr Samuel Tan ( or;
Dr Jungbae Kim (

Slow Diffusion of State-Level Information and Return Predictability
Dr Kelvin Law
Assistant Professor, Tilburg University

Informational Uniqueness, Corporate Disclosure, and Information Environment
Jacky Chau
PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania

Audit Committee-Auditor Interlocking, Auditor Turnover and Audit Quality
Yangyang Fan
PhD Candidate, University of Pittsburgh

Peer Effects in Corporate Disclosure Decisions
Hojun Seo
PhD Candidate, Washington University-St Louis

The Effects of Language Power and Communication Mode on Investor Judgments
Mr Clarence Goh
PhD Candidate, Nanyang Technological University

Compensation Duration, Shareholder Governance, and Managerial Short-Termism
Ronghuo Zheng
PhD Candidate, Carnegie Mellon University

Takeover Defenses in the Era of Shareholder Activism
Sa-Pyung Sean Shin
PhD Candidate, Harvard Business School

From Data to Information
Han Stice
PhD Candidate, University of Florida

Restrictions on Managers’ Outside Employment Opportunities and Asymmetric Disclosure of Bad versus Good News
Dr Ashiq Ali
Charles and Nancy Davidson Chair, The University of Texas at Dallas