Seminar Series

If you are interested in presenting your accounting research papers at a future seminar, please contact

Dr Samuel Tan ( or;
Dr Jungbae Kim (

The Smoothing and Informativeness of GAAP Effective Tax Rates
Dr Petro Lisowsky
Associate Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Do Career Concerns Affect the Delay of Bad News Disclosure?
Dr John Campbell
Associate Professor, University of Georgia

Real Effects of Financial Reporting Quality and Credibility: Evidence from the PCAOB Regulatory Regime
Dr Nemit Shroff
Associate Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Do Client Characteristics Really Drive the Big N Audit Quality Effect?
Dr Mark DeFond
A N Mosich Chair Professor of Accounting, University of Southern California (Cheng Tsang Man Visiting Professor, Singapore Management University)

Earnings Management and Annual Report Readability
Dr Rafael Rogo
Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia

Once Lucky, Always Lucky? Institutional Trading in a Connected World
Dr Hai Lu
Associate Professor, University of Toronto

Firm Opacity, Analyst Forecasts, and Investor Reaction
Dr Jennifer Wu Tucker
Associate Professor, University of Florida

Similarity in Bond Covenants
Dr Gus DeFranco
Associate Professor, University of Toronto

Banking Industry Deregulation and CEO Incentives: Evidence from Bank CEO Turnover
Dr Xiaoli Tian
Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University