Seminar Series

If you are interested in presenting your accounting research papers at a future seminar, please contact

Dr Samuel Tan ( or;
Dr Jungbae Kim (

Earnings Distortion and CEO Compensation
Ms Yibin ZHOU
PhD Candidate, University of Toronto

Financial Statements Insurance
Dr Joshua RONEN
Professor, New York University

Value and Communication of Different Assurance Levels
Dr LOW Kin-Yew
Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University

Theoretical Accounting Research
Dr Young Kwon
AC Littleton Professor in Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Publishing in the Journal of Accounting Research
Dr Mark Zmijewski and Dr Richard Leftwich
The University of Chicago

Does Form Affect Analysts' Reactions to Earnings Preannouncements?
Dr Tan Hun-Tong
Nanyang Technological University